Wednesday, August 03, 2005

10 for $10

If you've ever read the Albertson's circular, you've probably seen the 10 for $10 sale page, where they offer up some potential deals at the rate of $1 per item. In fact, you do not need to buy 10 items to satisfy the sale. Just think of it as $1 per item, and buy however many you want. This pretty much applies to all stores. If they really mean 10 for $10, they'll usually have a note that says, "Must buy 10".

So this week, some sweet deals include Progresso _Classic_ Soups $1 a pop. I underline Classic because I believe such standards as Clam Chowder are not considered Classic, but rather are considered "Traditional". Classics include things like Tomato Soup. Anyway, still a good deal if you're into their classic line, since they usually exceed $2 easy.

Another deal, and this one's for Tubby and his future roommate challenge. Banquet frozen dinners are on sale at $1 a pop. As he noted a few days ago, on the back of some of these boxes comes a coupon for a free game of bowling. The way his roommate Dave is bowling, he'll need some extra practice.

Cho mentioned that there was a possibly good deal on Pork Spare Ribs. $1.99 a lb. I haven't quite figured out the meat prices, but that doesn't seem too bad. I forgot which store this was though.


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