Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Inventory check

Sorry for the lack of posts. I haven't been very frugal lately. Lots and lots of online purchases.

Let's see in reverse order over the last 30 days:
1) Hoover Mach 5 vacuum from Walmart.com
2) 2 Nintendo Wiis from Amazon.com
3) Mystery box from ThingFling.com (i got a bunch of night lights, CD cleaners, CD cases, and a USB adapter for wifi)
4) 7 bottles of Vitamin C and some Soap from Drugstore.com
5) Pair of sneakers from Endless.com (I already had 2 pairs in the queue)
6) Frying pan from Amazon.com

All but #6 are in the last 2 weeks.

Oh, also bought a DS Lite game last week (though I did use a $5 BB coupon).


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