Sunday, November 27, 2011

The best airline cookie...on sale!

For years, the only thing I looked forward to on Delta flights were the cookies. Biscoff cookies. Mmmmm. Almost made the flight palatable...almost.

Since then I've looked near and far for those cookies. Found that Amazon was selling them. First for $29.00 for about 320 of them. But I thought that I could wait until they went on sale. Never did...they've been climbing ever since. $32.00+ now on Amazon.

But little did I know that Walgreens sells them. A place that I've always assumed to be twice as much as any other place for the same product. Well, in this case, not only does Walgreens sell these cookies for $2.59 for a pack of about 32, but they're on sale til the end of the year at 2 for $4.00 (or $2.50 for one).

Get them! Lotus's Biscoff cookies.