Monday, April 17, 2006

Free Muni 4/18 (Tuesday)

In commemoration of the Quake of 1906, Muni is offering free service for a 24 hour period startin at 3AM on Tuesday.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Price match tracker

Just so I don't forget in the future (and also because some of you might find this useful), the following site is a MUST for Amazon purchasers

Refund Please

What it does...
If you enter your purchase information (ASIN, price, date, and contact email), it'll let you know if your price has dropped within 30 days of the date provided.

Then you can go back to Amazon (or other retailers) and tell them that your item has dropped in price. Amazon in turn will price match themselves and give you a refund of the price difference.

I guess this could also be used to just plain track items that you're interested in and hoping to get in the next 30 days.

Anyway, enjoy.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Everyone loves a homer.

Get your free baseball team email account here!

1GB of space. All the information when you click through.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Free Cone Day at Ben and Jerry's 4/25/2006

Heads up, it's free cone day at Ben and Jerry's on 4/25/2006.

Some stores allow you to just cycle through their line.
Line usually goes about 5 minutes max. (they have at least 5 servers).

For a participating store near you, click here.