Monday, January 23, 2006

Don't forget Comcast

Those of you with Comcast High Speed Internet who got discounted service last time I posted about this, well your 6 months is probably up, so don't forget to jump in again.

As a reminder, here's how it works.

Assuming you have Standard Cable or better, usually for High Speed Internet you're paying about $45. However, that's the uninformed person's price. If you are informed, you can usually get a $20->$25 discount for the next couple months.

My current deal, though not the best, is $24.99 for the next 3 months.

Here's how I got it.

press 1 for English
then * for representative

Rep: Hello, how may I help you.
Me: Hi, I've seen a bunch of advertisements for $19.99 on . I was wondering if you have any similar promotions?
Rep: Well, we only have a $24.99 one right now.
Me: For how long?
Rep: 3 months.
Me: OK, can you add that to my account?
Rep: Hmmm, sure, what's your name?

I think I may have trapped this rep into giving it to me because if I had stated I was a customer beforehand, they might have just said, no promotions currently. Anyway, using this format of questioning, I am now 2 for 2 in reductions. Go on, give it a shot. It only takes up like 5 minutes of your time. Then repeat 3 months later.


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